Starting Over

"My God, Gabi, how could you do this? How could you do this to me? To…us?" His words were ripping me apart, but I deserve, I know it. "I though…Gabi, I knew that you would never belong to me in the way that I wanted no matter how much I love you, and I do love you, Gabi. But I thought that at least out friendship could be something spectacular. I thought that we could be soul mates in another way even if our love wasn't allowed, but you know what you've done, Gabi? You've destroyed that. You have killed our friendship…"

 "Antonio…I'm sorry! I didn't mean…I wanted to…please, don't say that!" I scrambled for the words to make him stay, to make him love me again. "I love you, Antonio! I love you, and I know it was wrong, but he…"

 "He what, Gabi? He held a gun to your head and made you swear? He threatened your life if you told me? Did he do that to you, Gabi? Did Ricardo force you to not tell me about this?"

 "I…no, he didn't, but…"

 "But what? There's really nothing else to say, is there, Gabi? I love you, and I knew the risk of that when I first decided not to leave Sunset Beach. I knew that eventually something would happen and I would get my heart broken, but I didn't think it would be on purpose. I never dreamed that you would knowingly hurt me, Gabi. I guess I was wrong about you…I'm sorry about that. I played your game and lost. Well, I'm going to walk away and be a gracious loser. Goodbye, Gabi."

 He walked away then. The man that I'd dreamed of for the past two years, the one that I'd confided in and eventually fell in love with. And, of course, the one whose heart I had broken. As usual. It's a curse, my burden to bear throughout life. Every one that I love is hurt by me. Antonio, Ricardo, Mark, my mother, even once upon a time, my sister…everyone. But I have never felt the pain that I do now as I remember the raw anguish in Antonio's eyes as he realized that I had done this fully knowing how it would hurt him. Not telling Antonio that Ricardo knew about us, while seeming a good idea at the time, was actually the worst decision that I had ever made. I had really thought that Ricardo was giving me a second chance…and boy was I wrong. Antonio and I both had barely made it out of his 'revenge' plat alive…but we had. And afterwards, Antonio had come to me and confessed that he loved me. Of course, I had known that before. In fact, it was what had kept me going throughout my whole marriage to Ricardo. Knowing that Antonio would be there for me, that he cared and I would always have him to turn to no matter what. That was also what had made it so impossibly hard to lie to him.

 But, this time when Antonio had told me that he loved me, it had been different. He had told me, in those three little words, that he didn't just love me, he wanted me…to be with me, to be my husband and lover and best friend. I was so overjoyed…and then I told him that I had known before that Ricardo knew about us, and it all blew up. He had been so angry at first, anger that was irresistible when directed at other people, but horrifying then to passionate rage was directed at me. Then the anger faded, and something even worse replaced it. Hurt. Hurt, pain, angst and betrayal. All multiplied a thousand times what it had been on Ricardo's face when he confronted me.

 Now, Antonio was gone and I was alone. Ricardo had been taken to a 'hospital' to receive treatment for his 'misplaced anger', so going to him was out of the question, not that it wouldn't already be simply from what he had put us through. I had been counting on Antonio to help me pick up the pieces…but that was gone now. Everything we had shared was gone…and I had to start over somewhere new.


 "Home sweet home." Gabi whispered to herself as she stepped inside the tiny, sparsely decorated apartment that she had moved into a little over a month ago. She was now settled in to her life without Sunset Beach, and while it wasn't nearly as pleasurable as living in the small town, LA was not as bad a place as Gabi had been expecting. She had a comfortable job as a secretary at a law firm with pay that wasn't exceptional, but it didn't take much to keep her going, so she had a lot left after each check. She saved it all, for no real reason other than she didn't have any place to spend it.

 Kicking off her shoes, she collapsed onto the couch, tired from a stressing day at work and a disturbing lack of sleep. Nights in this crowded and utterly empty town were the worst as Gabi had come to find out. Where she lived, the soothing sound of the waves crashing upon the shore that had lulled her to sleep in Sunset Beach were a distant memory. Here, the sounds of nighttime were throbbing bass music pouring out of the cars of hoodlums and nearby dance clubs, not to mention the wails and moans of police cars that always followed close by. The city of angels wasn't the best place to go for a good night's sleep…especially not with the dreams that plagued Gabi. They could not be placed in the category of nightmare because they were graced with images of her lost Antonio, but they were also far from dreamy. All she could remember was the pain in his eyes…his heart…when he had told her that she had killed the love between them.

 "If only I could start over…" She whispered to herself, lost in a whirlwind of memories. She had had plenty of time the last few months to think over everything that she would have done differently. She would have told Ricardo that she loved Antonio…and, in fact, told Antonio the very same thing. Then maybe he would have left the priesthood and been with her from the start of the whole thing…there would have been no lies, no deceptions, and no secrets. That was the way it should have been, and Gabi knew it. If only she could have another chance…

 Antonio glanced down at the sermon he was supposed to be writing. It wasn't coming along very good, to say the least. Then again, it wouldn't write itself either, he knew, and he wasn't doing a very good job of concentrating. Maybe something to do with the picture that was staring at him. Gabi. The woman that had lied and hurt him, the woman that had cheated and betrayed, and the woman that had captured his heart and would not release her grip. Yes, even after what she had done, he still loved her and missed her with a pain that grew deeper every day that she wasn't there. It had been almost two months now. In the beginning he had convinced himself that she wasn't worth it (though he knew deep down she was) and that the pain would lessen with the passage of time.

 Slamming the picture down in a momentary fit of rage, he watched the glass shatter all over the floor and immediately regretted his loss of temper. As he bent down to pick up the shards, he saw that the picture itself had been ripped in half by the force of the blow. Ironically, it reminded him of the way his heart had felt when he had confessed his love…and she had answered by confessing her sin.

 As he pieced the picture together, he realized something that had probably been right in front of his face for the past months. He needed her. His life had been miserable for the past seven weeks, so miserable and bleak that he couldn't stomach the thought of living the rest of his life like this.

 "Gabi…" He whispered to himself, gazing at the torn photograph. He ha d to admit it, to himself at least. He needed her. His life without her was nothing, worthless. To him, at least.

 His fingers grazed the white collar resting against his throat. This was supposed to be his life…but it wasn't, and that was wrong. He was only cheating himself, God, and…Gabi by pretending like this. As he pulled the collar out, his hand was already on the phone.

 Two weeks later, Antonio was loading up his car with boxed and suitcases. He had done it; left the priesthood. Once he had made up his mind, it actually hadn't been that difficult to do. His reasons were solid enough, and though a few people had voiced strong opinions again him leaving, he had managed to get the right people to let him. Now, he was going to find his future. Gabi.

 "Antonio!" He heard his sister call out to him. "Where you trying to get away without saying goodbye, little brother?" She scolded him.

 "Mi hijo, mi pobre hijo…why must you leave? Why must you give up your calling for that-"

 "That what, Mama?" He dared her to say anything negative about Gabi. She knew his feelings, and she also knew that he wasn't as forgiving as his brother.

 "For Gabi. Why are you leaving your home for her? She has gone away, why can you not be thankful that you did not lose more than your brother to her…your poor brother. From him you can see what she will do to you if you go to her." Turning on his heels Antonio walked slowly, and angrily over to his mother. Trying to keep his temper under control, he looked her in the eye and spoke softly.

 "What Ricardo did was not Gabi's fault. Ricardo was – is – a very sick man. I love my brother, Mama, but I love Gabi, too. I am sorry that this happened to Ricardo, but I won't let it destroy what Gabi and I have. Not again." He said, then turned away, still fighting his raging temper. He did not get angry often, but his mother putting Gabi down was one thing that everyone knew would set him off. He had proved it again and again the past few months. Everyone had eventually found out what happened to put Ricardo in the situation that he was in, and a lot of negativity had been thrown Gabi's way, both before and after she had fled town. He hated to think that he had been part of what had made her leave, but it had taken him a while to finally understand why she had done what she did. "Just drop it, Mama."

 "But Anton-"

 "MAMA." Maria spoke up before Antonio had a chance to interrupt. "Mama, we came to tell Antonio goodbye. You don't want him leaving mad at you, do you?"

 "No, no, I do not. But I do not want him finding her, either." Carmen intoned sulkily. "But I will not fight with you, mi hijo. I do not want you to leave angry with me."

 "Thank you, Mama. I don't want to leave mad, either. But I do have to leave now." He glanced at his watch. It wasn't really time to leave, but he had been hoping to avoid seeing his family one last time. It would bring the inevitable question.

 "So, Antonio…" He could tell by Maria's tone that she was about to say the very thing that he didn't want to hear. "Are you going to stop in and see Ricardo on your way?"

 How was he supposed to answer that? He had tried seeing his brother twice before and it had been awful. Ricardo hated  him. Ricardo hated seeing Antonio, hated hearing about him from Maria and Carmen, and especially hated having him visit.

 "I don't think so Maria. Not now, I want to give him some time." He answered finally.

 "Well, it's your decision." Maria said in a very disapproving voice. She thought that the only way that he and Ricardo would ever become friends again was to start talking, but Antonio didn't want that. He wanted to get things worked out with Gabi before he started rebuilding a relationship with Ricardo.

 "Yes, it is." Maria understood that there would be no pushing him and let it go. She stepped up to give him a big hug.

 "I'm going to miss you, Antonio. Call me when you get there." She said aloud, then whispered where Carmen couldn't hear. "Good luck. I hope you find her."
 "So do I." He whispered back, then moved to his mother. He leaned over and kissed her cheek and gave her a hug. "Bye, Mama. I'll call you."

 "Si, si. Do not forget!" She said, saddened by the thought of losing another of her sons. And to make matters worse, she was losing another of her sons to Gabi.

 "I won't. I love you. Goodbye." He said to both of them, then climbed into the car and took off for LA and Gabi.

 Gabi sighed to herself as she glanced at the lukewarm pizza she had ordered out and didn't really want. She wasn't hungry; she hardly ever was anymore. But today someone had commented at how poorly she looked, and she didn't want to lose her job because of something as trivial as physical appearance.  And she couldn't help but think how Antonio would be disappointed in her if he saw how she was not taking care of herself. So she forced a piece down, and resisted the urge to get rid of it immediately after swallowing. She couldn't start that…the last thing she needed was a real eating disorder.

 She curled up on the couch and started flipping through TV stations. She was very tired, but the thought of being alone in her bed was unappealing. She would probably end up falling asleep on the couch like she did most nights. It was easier than waking up at midnight and making the short but tiring trek to her bedroom.

 Almost an hour later, she had begun to drift off when she heard something outside of her door. Sitting up groggily, she ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to straighten it and walked over. She could see no one outside when she looked through the viewer, but the footsteps were still there, moving around in the hall. Gabi glanced down at her watch and saw that it was around ten p.m. Too late for any real visitor…unless it was the drunk landlord trying to hit on her again.

 Cautiously, she inched the door open. "Hello?" She said, glancing around. She saw a figure turn the corner of the hall, and she called out a bit louder. "Hello?"

 "Gabi?" He asked, turning back around. A wide grin spread across his face as he realized that he had found her. Gabi, on the other hand, was absolutely shocked.


 "Gabi, I can't believe I found you!" Antonio walked over to her as his grin began to fade. "Gabi, you look…"

"Awful, I know. You don't have to say it, I know I look horrible." She said, staring at the floor. He stepped closer to her and placed his hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

"No…you are still the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen. You just look like you haven't been eating enough, or getting out enough. Is there something wrong?" He asked, concerned.

 "No…not really. Just…depression, I guess. Come on don't stand out here in the hall! Come in…I'm sorry, I know it's a mess. How…why…did you find me? I can't believe this…" She opened the door to let him in, and he followed her inside. She wished she had straightened up…it really was a mess. Her clothes were thrown everywhere, the walls bare and unattractive, and the now cold and mostly untouched pizza was laying out on the coffee table in front of the couch, along with other dirty plates and cups from previous nights of ordering in. But he didn't seem to notice any of that, only her.

He looked at her again and his smile returned full force as he moved over, planning on taking her in his arms. "I had to find you, Gabi…I lo-"

 "Don't say it, Antonio…" She stopped him by placing a hand on his chest. "Please, please don't say that..."

 "Why not, Gabi? What's wrong?" A sudden, horrible idea occurred to him. "Gabi…don't you…love me, too?"

 She saw the heartbroken expression on his face, and knew she couldn't let him think that. "Of course I love you, Antonio. But I can't be with you…so, please leave. I'm sorry that you wasted your time finding me, but it would be best if you just forgot about me and get on with you life. You're a priest, remember?"

 "No, I'm not. I left the priesthood, Gabi. I left it to be with you, so I'm not leaving you. Not if you still love me, and you just admitted that you do." He said sternly. "Why won't you be with me?"

 "Oh, Antonio…don't make this so hard." She said, on the verge of tears. "I love you, but we could never be a couple. Not with our history. Ricardo, your family, the priesthood, my dishonesty…all of that would all come between us and you know that. We could never be completely happy with each other. Never. You told me that once, remember?"

 "You're wrong, Gabi. I love you, and you love me. We would be perfect together, but if you think it's to much to overcome, then there's no way I can make you be with me." The sadness in his voice was too much for her to bear, and she knew that that sadness would be equally mirrored in his eyes if she was to look into them, but she wouldn't.

 "I'm glad that you've realized that, Antonio." She whispered, turning so that he couldn't see her tears. "I think you'd better leave now."

 "All right. I can let myself out." He said, and she didn't even look over to see him leave. When she heard the door shut behind him, she let her quieted tears evolve into sobs as she collapsed onto the couch in despair. What had she done?

 Antonio shut the door behind him as he exited her apartment. "I'm sorry, Gabi…but I can't let you go." He said to himself as he walked away. He had no intention of following her wishes.


 Gabi didn't sleep a wink that night. She stayed awake until the sun rose, sobbing and regretting every word that she had said. And, as a result, she was in a horrible mood as she made her way into the coffee shop across the street for a pre-work caffeine fix. She slouched in a booth as the perky waitress approached her. To Gabi's surprise, she set a steaming mug of hot coffee down in front of her.

 "I haven't ordered yet!" She said as the waitress also produced a plate full to the rims of breakfast food; eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes and even more. "And all I wanted was coffee, anyway. You have to take it back. I don't want any of this."

 "Sorry, ma'am. That man standing right over there at the bar ordered and paid for this. He said to bring it to you, that you would want it." Gabi glanced over to where the waitress was pointing at and saw Antonio sitting on a stool and grinning at her. Shaking her head wearily, she accepted the food from the waitress, but didn't eat yet. When the waitress walked away, she looked over to see Antonio approaching her.

 "Antonio, I'm not going to-" She began to say, as she pushed the plate away from her. He sat down across from her in the booth and sipped his own cup of coffee.

 "Excuse me, do I know you?" Antonio said, for some reason looking almost as baffled as Gabi was feeling. "Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Antonio Torres, I just got into town. And I ordered that for you because you look like you could use a good meal. It's awful to see such a gorgeous woman like yourself not eating enough. I think you could use a little meat on your bones. Anyway, I hope you don't mind me doing that. All that I'm going to ask in return is your name." He grinned that too seldom seen and still very knee weakening grin.

 "Antonio, what is going on?!?" She demanded. His expression turned serious as he explained.

 "Well, last night you said that we could never work as a couple because of our history. So, without the history, we could work. Therefore, if we could just go back in time and not know each other, everything would be perfect." He said, and the half smile returned.

 "But Antonio, we can't do that! It's not possible." Gabi exclaimed. Antonio simply shook his head at her.

 "Of course it is. Now, I said my name is Antonio Torres. Would you mind telling me yours? I' d hate to remain strangers with such a beautiful woman." He said, and waited for her response. His heart began to pound when she said nothing at all. The confident, self-assured grin he wore was a complete fake. Inside, he was dying for her to say that they could try. His stomach was one monumental knot and he felt like buzzards had replaced the butterflies that had been there earlier.

 Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, she replied with a warm smile. "It's very nice to meet you, Antonio. Thank you for the meal. I'm Gabi Martinez. I hope we can be friends."

"Friends. I'd like that, Gabi." He smiled at her, a wide relieved smile. His heart felt like it was going to give out, it had been beating so wildly. But now everything was okay – he had Gabi back. Well, at least he had a way to begin to.

"So…where do you live, Antonio? You said that you just moved into town, didn't you?" Gabi asked, suddenly ravenous as she began to dig into her food. She had gotten more of an appetite in the past five minutes than she had in the past two months.

"Actually, I'm staying at a motel right now.  I just got here yesterday, and I spent the day tracking down an…old friend." He delicately worded it.

"Really…well, since you're not with her now, then I'm going to assume that she wasn't good enough for you." Gabi said, looking down at her plate, simultaneously realizing that she had almost eaten half of the food in the past five minutes and that she was probably going to regret what she had just said.

"Of course she was. I think she just didn't realize it. But let's not talk about that…I want to talk about you and me now." He said, sensing that the previous night was one can of worms that she wasn't quite ready to open.

 "All right." She agreed, glancing down at her watch.

 "Do you know your way around town yet?" He asked. "I need someone who isn't as lost as me to help me get a place."

 "I think I can help." Gabi offered. "But I have to get to work soon. Do you want to come over tonight, Antonio?"

 He did, desperately, but he also wanted to take things slow between them and make sure that he did everything right. " I don't think that would be a good idea. But why don't we catch a movie or something tomorrow night?"

 Gabi could see his reasoning for not wanting to be alone together so soon after agreeing to start over. "That sounds great. A movie." She grabbed a napkin and a pen out of her purse and quickly wrote something down. "Here's my number. Why don't you call me tonight and we can work something out. I've got to go now."

 He took the paper from her and held it tightly in his hand. "All right. I'll call you." He reached over to squeeze her hand as she started to get up. " Talk to you later?"

 She saw the emotions lurking past the outer happiness in his eyes. He was feeling the same things that she was; relief, joy, and nervousness. This was an experiment, and neither of them knew how it would turn out. They could only let fate run it's course and hope for the best. She leaned over and kissed him very lightly and very briefly on the lips. "Later." She whispered in his ear then walked away.


 Antonio felt incredibly nervous as he stared at the phone on the table next to his bed, and then at the telephone number in his hand. He felt like a teenager that was calling for a date…it was a very unnerving feeling for a man his age. Then again, he hadn't had the pleasure of feeling this way in six years, so he couldn't complain too much.

 Working up the nerve to actually dial, he picked up the phone and punched in the first three digits…then hung up quickly. 'Coward' He accused himself as he picked up the phone once again and steeled himself to go all the way this time. Very quickly, so he wouldn't back down, he punched in the numbers.  It rang, and she answered almost immediately.

 "Hello?" Gabi asked, her heart thumping wildly. She had been sitting crossed legged on her bed for the past half hour willing the phone to ring, and at the same time, not knowing what she would do if it did.

 "Gabi?" 'It's him it's him it's him!!' Her mind shouted as she smiled widely excited. Antonio had called her! "It's me…Antonio."

 "I know…I mean, I know it's you. I recognize your voice…I mean, we have known each other for two years, right? That's long enough to recognize a voice…" She said, and decided to shut up. She was babbling, and she knew it.

 "Yeah two years…it is long enough…oh wait…we just met this morning, remember?" He corrected, glad that he wasn't as tongue tied as he had been expecting.

 "This morning! That's right, isn't it…well, I have a short memory." She said, beginning to relax somewhat.

 "Short memory? Explain. " He took her bait, and waited for the punchline.

 "Yeah…it feels like I've been waiting for you forever." She said shyly, not sure if that was a good comment to make, or if she was jumping the gun.

 "Hey, that's a great line!" He laughed. "Mind if I use it to pick up girls?"

 Gabi felt a strong and quite unexpected pang of jealousy at the mere thought of Antonio with another woman. "You wouldn't!" She exclaimed, hurt that he would even entertain thoughts of anyone but her.

 "Probably not," He agreed. "But if I did want to, who would stop me? The woman I love turned me away…remember, I told you that this morning." He said, aware of her delicate feelings, but also not wanting her to be too comfortable that he would always be there. A man can only be turned down so many times before he gives up. Yet through the statement, he kept up the playful voice.

 "Well…she's a bitch for doing that to you." Gabi, luckily, was realizing how precious Antonio was to her. "I'm glad you decided not to keep after her…there are much better women out there for you."

 "Yeah, there are. In fact, I can think of one right now…" He said, and Gabi blushed at his comment, then was embarrassed even though he was not there to see her light pink hue.

 "Really? Well, whoever she is, she's very lucky." Gabi replied, enjoying this light banter of theirs. There had been too much pain between them in Sunset Beach to have very much fun together. Gabi could count on one hand the number of lighthearted times they had had with each other. In fact, she could almost count on one hand the number of lighthearted moments she had had in Sunset Beach altogether!

 "No, I'm the lucky one." He said, then changed the subject. "So, how would you like to show me around town? I'm still looking for an apartment. I've got a few in mind, how would you like to check them out with me tomorrow? I know you've got a great eye for things like that."

 "Now how would you know that? We only met this morning." She teased, reminding him of the game that he had started.

 "I'm a good guesser…so how about it? Can I pick you up tomorrow?" Since it was a Friday, he correctly assumed that she would be off.

 "Sure. How about nine?" She agreed, anticipating the chance to see Antonio again.

 "Sounds great." He felt the same way; eager to see Gabi again, though it had only been a matter of hours since their rendezvous in the coffee shop. "So…"

 "I should…go now." Gabi said, though it was actually the last thing she wanted to do. She didn't want to say something that she would regret, though. Like what she was really feeling now.

 "Really?" Antonio sounded disappointed to Gabi; he was. He didn't want to ever stop hearing the sound of her voice…"Okay…see you in the morning?"

 "At nine." She said, then just listened to his breathing for a minute before she added. "Bye."

 "Bye." He answered her, and listened for the click that came a moment later.

 Gabi hung up the phone and crawled into bed. As she lay there thinking of how amazing all of this was, a wide grin crept across her face. She fell asleep thinking thoughts more pleasant than she had in months.

 Antonio set the phone back down and leaned against the pillows. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have been given a second chance with Gabi…"Thank you Lord." He glanced upward as he prayed. "And please help me not to mess this up."

 Antonio stood outside Gabi's door at 10 till 9, wondering if being early was okay, or if he should wait until 9. He wasn't exactly an expert at dating, and he didn't want to fumble up.

 Just as he was about to knock on the door, it opened before him. He jumped back slightly as she did the same, surprised to see him there.

 "Antonio! I was just coming out to wait for you. You're early, aren't you?" Gabi said, glancing down at her watch.

 "Yeah…do you mind?" He asked, his earlier worry returning.

 "No! Of course I'm not. In fact, I'm glad…I couldn't wait to see you."  Gabi said, smiling bashfully.

 "I couldn't wait to see you, either…that's why I'm early." Antonio said, reaching over to kiss her very lightly on the cheek. She breathed in the warm, familiar smell of his cologne. It was an aroma that most people wouldn't remember, but to Gabi it brought back a barrage of memories…especially the cave in. Her mind involuntarily flashed back in time to the damp tomb, and the sensations that she had experienced in Antonio's arms. 'Slow down, Gabi' She reminded herself that she – they – weren't just going to jump into this headfirst…they were going to take it slow and get it right. "Well, we should get going. I need to get out of that damn motel in the worst way. It's a hellhole, but it's all that I can afford. The priesthood didn't exactly offer a severance pay."

 Gabi laughed lightly, glad that he wasn't bitter about leaving his calling…his vocation. "Well, I'll do my best to help you."

 "Thanks…I'm glad I'll have you there to help me from getting ripped off. I have a few places I found in the paper, we can check out those first. All you have to do is help me find the address'." He explained as they walked out of her building and to his car.

 "Well, although I'm sure you would have no problem with getting ripped off, I'm glad you invited me. What kind of place are you looking for?" Gabi asked as she climbed into the passenger seat of his car.

 "Something small. And cheap! I've got an interview that Ben set me up with on Monday, and another on Tuesday, but until then, I've got a couple hundred dollars to last the weekend.

 "Well, I can pay for lunch if you want me to." Gabi offered. "That is, unless you're too much of a chauvinist to let a woman pay for your food!" She kidded him as he grinned back.

 "Well, you don’t have to worry about that. I have no qualms about letting you pay" He said, then added slowly "…but I think I have enough to cover it."

 "Antonio! You are too ashamed to let a woman pay! And you won't even admit it!" Gabi exclaimed, "What a typical man! Did you lose all of your good qualities with that collar?"

 "Hey, I'm not that bad! If it'll make you feel better then you can pay for all of our food! I didn't realize you were such a feminist." He retorted as he laughed, and she joined in. She realized with a start that this was what she had been missing – with Antonio and in life in general. Laughter. And friendship, and love, and fun! She and Antonio were having fun! Joking, laughing, teasing…in the beginning, they had been like this. Then the lies and the deceit had started. Gabi couldn't wait to see what kind of happiness lay ahead in this relationship. And she also couldn't wait to get started.


 "I think this is it, Antonio…this one really seems like you." Gabi commented as she walked around the small apartment. They had been going from building to building all day, with a not so brief stop for lunch and a few detours to other places. But mostly, they had been looking for places to live. By now, Antonio was so tired of looking that he was ready to take this one! Not to mention, Gabi approved. And it was only a ten-minute drive to her place.

 "I like it too…I'll get it." He decided, and Gabi turned to him surprised.

 "That's it? You're just going to…get it? You don't want to look around anymore?" She asked, disappointed that their time together seemed to be coming to an end.

 "Why? I like this one. But that doesn't mean that we have to go our separate ways." He walked over and jotted down the number to the manager, whom he would call in the morning. "Why don't we go back to your place?"

 "Sure." She said, satisfied that the pleasant day wouldn't have to be cut short. "That sounds great. Want to stop and get some dinner first? It's almost six."

 "It is? Damn…I guess time does fly when you're having fun. I know I've been having the time of my life with you." Antonio said, seeing Gabi flush with pleasure. She was glad that he was enjoying himself as much as she was.

 "So am I." She replied as they headed out the door, hand in hand.


 "Mmm…this is delicious!" Gabi said as she wound the spaghetti on her fork. "I can't believe I'd never found that place before!" She said, referring to the Italian restraunt that luckily delivered. "I thought I'd ordered from every take out place in the phonebook."

 "Really…sounds like you had a ball. What would you ever have done if I hadn't come in and swept you off your feet." He said jokingly, but she answered seriously.

 "I don't know, Antonio…I really don't." He saw the grateful look in her eye, and as if being drawn by a magnet, he moved over closer to her on the couch and ran the back of his hand over her face.

 "I don't know what I would have done either…" He whispered, leaning in. Her eyes were moist and big as she stared intensely at those perfectly shaped lips… she wanted so badly to feel them against hers. With a low, barely audible whimper, she moved up to meet him halfway and a thousand buried emotions burst forth as they kissed, passionately at first then by mutual consent slowing it down until it was a tender, slow kiss that drew out every warm emotion. Antonio felt like he was drowning in her; her soft delicate skin that cried out for his touch; her lips swollen and begging for his tongue to part them and seek out the hidden treasures inside, the wonderful and exotic, simultaneously new and completely familiar taste of her. Gabi was feeling the exact same things; like the world was shattering into a thousand pieces and only Antonio could save her.

 But then something whispered to Antonio, some voice in the back of his mind that still gripped sanity by a quickly slipping finger; if he didn't stop now then he was going to go too far very quickly.

 "Gabi!" He pulled away from her, breathing deeply as his heart pounded in his chest. "I…should go."

 She nodded slightly understanding what he meant. "Call me." She mouthed, and he nodded, leaving. Needless to say, he knew without a doubt that he would have a hard time sleeping tonight.

 The next day, Antonio, who was being true to his vow not to move too quickly, held off calling Gabi even though he was dying to hear her voice. The completely unintended kiss the night before had sent him to cloud nine, and he showed no signs of coming down off it anytime soon.

 He talked to the manager about getting the apartment, and before the day was over he was unloading his luggage into the small place that he would be calling home from now on.

 That night, once he was settled in enough for the night at least, as settled as he could be with no furniture and in fact no decoration at all except for the bed. He couldn't wait to talk to Gabi – he wondered if she might like to come over one day during the week and help him fix it up.

 "Getting ahead of yourself, Antonio…" He muttered to himself. He knew he had things to do before he called Gabi. Besides…he didn't want to seem too eager, and have her think he was being pitiful. He picked up the phone, which luckily was already hooked up just like the electricity and dialed his mother's number.

 "Antonio!" She answered warmly. He was surprised that she had known who it was without him ever saying a word.

 "Mama…how did you know – never mind. Don't answer that, I don't want to know. How are you, Mama?" He asked.

 "Bueno, bueno, but how I am is not important! How are you, m'ijo? Have you found a place to live? Have you talked to Ricardo, or your sister? When are you coming for a visit? How have-"

 "Mama, Mama, slow down! One question at a time. I'm doing fine, no I haven't talked to Maria or Ricardo. I'm going to call Maria right after I finish with you. And yes, I found a place yesterday, Gabi helped…" He realized them that she probably wouldn't like that too much but it was too late to do anything about that. "Gabi helped me."

 "Gabi." She said in a cold voice. "So you found her."

 "Yes, Mama. I found Gabi, and I'm glad that I did. I don't want to hear you say one more thing about it. I just called to let you know that I found a place and to give you my new number. If you mention anything even remotely negative about Gabi, I will hang up this phone. Do you understand me?" He regretted being this harsh with his mother, but he wanted there to be no mistaking his position on this. He wanted to make it clear to Carmen that he would not tolerate any bad things said about Gabi. Especially not from Carmen.

 "Si…si, m'ijo. I will not upset you. Tu haber mi la palabra, I will not speak badly of her to you." Carmen vowed, though she certainly wasn't promising not to think it. For a while, she had actually thought that Gabi was who she said she was – a woman that would do anything to avoid hurting Antonio and Ricardo, but Carmen had realized that it was only herself she had been protecting. Antonio, in her opinion, was just too caught up in the bruja's spell to see this.

 "Thank you, Mama. That means a lot to me. I have to go now though…I need to call Maria." He said. He wasn't really in a hurry, he just wasn't in the mood to listen to Carmen.

 "All right…call your sister. I know she will be glad to hear you are doing well. Adios, m'ijo." Carmen said, then quickly hung up after adding one hasty dire prediction. "I hope my cards are not right about you and Gabi."

 "Mama-" Antonio began to say, but the dial tone cut him off. It was too late, Carmen had gotten her point across and was gone. "Damn it, Mama…" He muttered to himself and dialed Maria's number. Unfortunately, the answering machine picked up. After leaving a brief message and his new phone number, he hung up.

 Antonio glanced down at his watch. It was early in the night…but he had nothing to do. Utterly bored without a TV or even a radio Antonio contemplated calling Gabi, then decided to wait a while. He was going to call her tonight…just not yet. He wanted to be patient…no matter how impatient he was feeling.

 For the twentieth time, he looked down at his watch again; surprise, surprise…two minutes after the last time he looked. Well…he would just have to keep his restless mind occupied until for a little while longer.

 Gabi sat on her bed just like the previous night, and waited for Antonio to call her. She had been expecting him to all day, and was thoroughly disappointed that he hadn't yet. The kiss they had shared last night…it had meant so much to Gabi. Not to mention, she was curious about how his dealings with the apartment manager had went. She liked the idea of Antonio being so close to her.

 As she willed the phone to ring, she wondered if it would be too forward of her to go over to the apartment he had been thinking about getting, just to see if he was there.

 "God, girl, you are pathetic," She murmured to herself with a grin. She wouldn't be surprised if she was stalking him soon…but this side of Antonio, the one that she had seen in the coffee shop and yesterday…it was just so amazing. It made her see exactly what had drawn her to fall in love with him. She couldn't believe that he had actually cared enough for her to track her down and move to LA just to be able to have another chance with her. But she was very glad he had…because the prospect of a future with him was so unbelievably daunting; it made her want to jump for joy. He was the kindest, sweetest and most spectacular man she had even knows…and he was in love with her. After all she had done to him…broken his heart a thousand times over, rejected him, lied to him…and he still managed to forgive her and want to be with her. It was more than Ricardo had been able to do…

 But she had promised herself that Ricardo was in the past. She hadn't ever really loved him anyway. Not in the ways that she loved Antonio, at least. It was like comparing apples to oranges…Ricardo had showed her what love was like, but Antonio had showed her how to love. She owed both of them her life…but Antonio was the one that was going to get it. And her…then again, he already had her heart and soul. And soon, she hoped, he would have her body.

 A low grin slid across her face as she pondered that last idea. She couldn't wait to make love to Antonio again…to feel his mouth on her, everywhere…and his hands caressing her skin…to feel him inside of her, bringing her to heaven and back a thousand times over…

 The first, and only, time that they had made love, in the cave in, had been the single most breathtakingly physical and spiritual moment of her life. As they had been joined in body and in soul she had opened herself up to him, bared her soul and gave herself completely to that man…and in return, he had given her an all too precious glimpse of the man beneath the collar, the one who loved her with all his heart and would die to save her. The man that had sacrificed his love for his brother's, and his happiness for what he had been led to believe was her happiness. He had been mistakenly led to believe that, though. Her happiness lay, and always had lain, with him…Antonio Torres.

 She sighed a wonderfully contented sigh as she reclined against the pillows on her bed, her mind racing with thought similar to these. She felt like a lovesick teenager…and she loved the feeling. Warm, excited, slightly obsessive, and hinging on complete adoration for Antonio…not that he didn't deserve it. She vowed to tell him all of these things and more the minute he called-


 She bolted up as the phone rung it's promising alarm telling her that her destiny waited on the other end of the line. She grabbed it quickly and uttered a breathless greeting. "Antonio?"

 "Yeah, it's me." The very sound of his voice made her heart pound.

 "I'm so glad you called – I've been waiting all day!" She said, then stopped abruptly. She hadn't meant for that to come out!

 "You have? I've wanted to call all day…but I didn't know if you would think I was moving too fast or anything." He explained, now sorry that he had waited. "I was going to ask you…if you wanted to come over tomorrow night."

 "Tomorrow night? That sounds great! I'd love to come over! Does this mean you got the place?" She said happily.

 "Yeah I did! I moved what I brought with me in already, but I didn't have much. I have to go and get some furniture soon…well, as soon as I get a job."

 "You have those interviews this week, don't you?" Gabi asked.

 "Yes…one tomorrow morning. Ben sent a recommendation…though I don't really have any experience in business. Maybe I'll get lucky though." He joked, but she could tell he was worried.

 "Antonio, I know you'll be great at whatever job you get! You shouldn't worry about that, I know it'll work out."

 "Thanks, I hope you're right. Gabi…" He began to say then stopped, as if he wasn't sure if he should go on or not.

 "What is it, Antonio?" She gently encouraged him. "Is something wrong?"

 "It's nothing." Antonio quickly said. He had been going to mention his conversation with his mother, but decided not to. Gabi didn't need to know about the dire predications, not when things were looking so up between them.

 "All right…" Gabi was curious about what he had been going to say, but chose not to push it. She didn't want to seem too nosy. "So…"

 "So…" He said, then they laughed. "I guess I'd better go…I still need to call Maria and Ri-" He halted abruptly. "Maria. I still need to call Maria."

"Sure." Gabi replied vaguely. She knew all too well what he had been about to say before he stopped. He still needed to call Maria and Ricardo. Well, Gabi thought to herself, it's good that they're friends again. But somehow she couldn't quite get her heart to accept that.

"Gabi- I don't…I mean, he and I…" Antonio tried to explain, but the words escaped him. Throughout the entire previous day, he and Gabi had carefully stepped around everything that related to Sunset Beach and to Ricardo…he knew that that wouldn’t be able to last long. "We aren't…"

She understood what he was trying to tell her. He and Ricardo hadn't forgiven each other. She felt incredibly relieved…and incredibly guilty at her relief. It was silly, she knew…but she couldn't help it. She wanted Antonio for herself…

"It's all right, Antonio. You don't have to explain. Call Maria…she's probably dying to hear from you." Gabi said and Antonio was glad that she was so understanding.

"Great." He replied and was about to hang up when an idea struck him. "Gabi! Wait, don't hang up. Do you want to meet for breakfast in the morning? The place where we did before? I'll buy you breakfast again…"

"That sounds great, Antonio! I'd love to." She grinned. "But I'd better let you go now…or I never will!"

"All right…" He said, then paused. She knew he was about to speak again. Would he say that he…that he…" Gabi…I…I…" Oh, God…he was going to say it! She couldn't wait to hear. "Gabi…I can't wait to see you again."

He had been going to do it…to tell her that he loved her, but at the very last second he had chickened out and said something else. "I can't wait to see you, too, Antonio…" She was disappointed; he could sense it in her voice, but she understood. "I'll see you in the morning."

She hung up before he could stick his foot any further in his mouth, fortunately for Antonio. "I love you, Gabi…" He whispered into the harshly buzzing dial tone. Now…if only he could say that to her face again.

He would, he soon decided. But not tomorrow…that was too soon. He wanted it to be special…romantic…

All through the rest of the evening, as he chatted with Maria and fixed up what little he had to fix up, ate a quick dinner he thought about the idea that was forming in his head…an idea of showing Gabi a night that she would never forget…

 "Miss Martinez…you look amazing." Antonio said as his eyes trailed down her body in a look that from any other man would have seemed almost degrading, but coming from Antonio it felt like he was worshipping her. "Absolutely breathtaking."

 "Thank you, Mr. Torres. You don't look too bad yourself." She smiled, realizing that she had never seen Antonio in a tux before. The black and white tux was a far cry from the other suit of black and white he had worn for so long.

 "So where are we going that I needed to dress up for?" She gestured towards the silky tight black dress that hung to her knees, hugged her curves and showed off every wonderful feature she had…and she had a lot of them in Antonio's opinion.

 "We are going to celebrate. I got the job!" He said, speaking of the job he had interviewed for last Monday.

 "That's great Antonio!" Gabi said, reaching over to hug him. They were standing in her apartment, about to go on the date they had been planning for almost a week. It was Friday night, and Antonio had quite a surprise in store for Gabi.

 "Come on, we'd better get going. I want to get there before it gets dark." He grinned mischievously at her.

 "Okay…but where are we going??" She said again, about to die from curiosity.

 "Oh, I can't tell you that. Then it wouldn't be a surprise, right?" He teased her with a warm grin as they walked to his car. "You wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, would you?"

 "Antonio! Come on, tell me!" She begged, knowing that he wouldn't, though. He had been dropping hints about this all week long, but not really given her any clue where he was taking her.

 "No, no…you have to wait…" He grinned that heart meltingly adorable grin of his at her again as he held the car door open for her. She smiled demurely back at him and got into the car, eager to arrive at this secret destination and see what Antonio had waiting for her.

 After an almost half hour drive, they finally reached the place Antonio was taking her to, just as the sun was finished setting.

 "Antonio…what…" Gabi began to ask, but he took her hand and helped her out of the car, always a gentleman, Gabi thought to herself. They were standing in front of a small cabin in a wooded area somewhere on the outskirts of town. Antonio smiled mischievously at her and led her to the door, where he pulled out a key and unlocked the door. Gabi's jaw dropped when she saw what was waiting for her. "My God…this is so…wow!"

 It was a small one-room cabin, with a bed off to one side and a table on the other. The table was covered in a lace cloth and set perfectly for a romantic dinner for two. Covered plates sat on each setting, a single blood red rose set off by a crystal vase in the middle of the table with champagne on ice next to it.  Slowly, her gaze turned from the exquisite meal to the bed…soft red rose petals were carefully spread across it, and two boxes sat in the middle. One was larger and white, a box you would get at a department store, but the second was smaller…a black, velvet jewelry box.

 "You like it?" Antonio said nervously and Gabi turned to him, an amazed look still covering her face.

 "Antonio…I love it, it's so beautiful…how…I mean, when…my god, I can't believe this…"

 A proud grin settled on Antonio's face. With the help of a small loan from Maria and a day's work spent perfecting the cabin, he had gotten everything to be just the way he wanted it…perfect! From the look on Gabi's face, she loved it even more than he had hoped she would.

 "I spent all day doing this…I hoped that you would like it. So…shall we dine, madam?" He said with a flourish and held out her seat for her.  She smiled delighted at him and sat down.

 "I really can't believe you went to all of this trouble for me, Antonio." Gabi said as they began to eat. "You really didn't have to…I don't deserve all of this!"

 As he poured a glass of wine for her, he replied, "Gabi, you are worth all of this and more. I plan on spending a while convincing you of that." He handed her the wineglass and caressed her blushing cheek. "You know, you're very beautiful when you're being modest."

 Gabi's heart felt like it was about to burst with happiness. She was so overwhelmed by this romantic, debonair side of Antonio. Never had any hint of this been given when she knew him in Sunset Beach. Even after their emotions had been made clear to each other he hadn't treated her like this. "Thank you." She whispered to him, dipping her head shyly.  "So…how are you liking your new job?"

 "It's okay. A far cry from the priesthood. I'm really thankful to Ben for setting this up for me. I wouldn't have gotten the job without his influence." He said as they began to eat.

 "That's not true. He got you the interview. You got the job on your own. Because you're good at it."

 "Thanks for the encouragement, Gabi, but you don't even know what I'm doing!" He pointed out with a grin.

 "So?" She defended herself. "I know your good at it, and that's all that matters."

 "Well, thanks. But I didn't bring you here to talk about that." He set down his fork and stood up. Walking across the room, he turned on a small CD player and the room filled with soft, slow music. "Dance with me?"

 "I'd love to." Gabi took the hand he offered and moved close to him, placing the other hand on his shoulder and he slid an arm around her waist. "Thank you again, Antonio…tonight is so amazing. I will never forget this, ever."

 He smiled down at her and twirled around quickly. "The night has just begun, my love." She giggled delightedly and moved even closer. "You know, you really do look beautiful, Gabi." He said, looking at her in wondrous awe.


 "I'm sorry, I don't mean to embarrass you, but you do. You're the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. I'm so lucky to have been given a second chance with you. I promise, Gabi, nothing will keep us apart this time. Nothing."

 "Oh…you are so sweet, Antonio!" Gabi said, smiling that special smile that she showed only to him. "It's me who's lucky. I did so much to you. I hurt you so much…and you still love me. I can't believe that."

 "You're not the only one who did things to hurt…but I didn't bring you here to talk about the past."

 "Oh? So what did you bring me here for?" Gabi asked playfully and a small smile played across Antonio's lips.

 "This." He said and pulled her incredibly close, bringing his mouth down to hers and pressing his lips lightly into hers, kissing her with slightly restrained passion. There were a few more things he wanted to do before they got to that.

 "Mmm…" Gabi moaned lightly when he ended the kiss. "I have no objections to that."

 "Good. Because there's a lot more where that came from…" He hinted suggestively and grinned. God, she loved that grin so much. She loved that man so much.

 "I can't wait. So…what are the boxes on the bed?" She asked, tilting her head in that direction as they swayed to the steady music.

 "I was wondering when you would ask that." Antonio halted their movements and walked her over to where the two packages sat. "They're for you."

 "Me? Oh Antonio…you really-"

 "Don't say that! You're beginning to sound like a broken record. I want to spoil you, and I'm going to." He kissed her softly on the forehead. "Because I love you."

 As he looked into her eyes, they both realized that this was the first time those words had been uttered between them since the cabin in Big Bear, so many long months ago. "I love you, too, Antonio." She replied, tearing moistening her eyes but not falling over. Then she grinned and broke the mystical spell. "So, which one do I get to open first?"

 He chuckled softly and handed her the small black velvet box. "This one."

 With glowing eyes, she pulled off the blue ribbon and opened it. Her mouth dropped open when she saw what was inside. Nestled against blue silk was a silver heart shaped pendant, outlined in tiny diamonds and set off in the middle with another slightly larger glittering stone on a thin silver necklace. "My God…Antonio…"

 "You like it?" He asked anxiously as she stared up at him with luminous eyes.

 "I love it…it's so beautiful…it must have cost you a fortune, Antonio." She returned her gaze to the necklace.

 "You're worth ever cent, Gabi." He took it from her hands and lifted the necklace out of the box. With careful hands, he fastened the clasp around her neck. "Perfect." He said, looking straight into her eyes with unabashed emotions.

 "It's so amazing, Antonio…thank you so much." Gabi said, looking down at the gorgeous necklace as it rested against her skin.

 "Now, onto the next one." He picked up a larger white box and handed it to her. Grinning like a child, she lifted the top. Her jaw dropped as she saw his second 'gift' to her. A white nightie, all silk and lace lay on white tissue paper. She lifted the lingerie out of its box and held it up.

 "Antonio…" Gabi whispered softly, studying the minuscule outfit. It was beautiful of course, but she still couldn't believe he had gotten it for her.

 "Do you hate it? I'm sorry…the girl at the store that I went to said that it would be perfect…but you don't have to wear it if you don't want to…" He had been worried that she wouldn't like it when he bought it.

 "Oh no, Antonio…I…I like it." She grinned up at him devilishly. "In fact, why don't I go change right now?" Antonio's heart nearly stopped. He couldn't believe that he was actually hearing these words…that he was actually going to be making love to Gabi again…just a few weeks ago, this had been a dream that would never come true. Now it was.

 Unable to muster any words, he nodded. Gabi laughed at the expression on his face and kissed him softly. "I'll be right back…don't go anywhere."

 A few minutes later she looked into the mirror in the small bathroom. The lace ensemble did look good on her. What material there was of it, that is. She couldn't help but be nervous. She wanted so badly to please Antonio…somewhere deep inside she knew that there was no way she could not please him, but she still worried.

 "Gabi?" Antonio called out from the other room. He was afraid that she was going to change her mind. Then slowly the door opened…and Antonio's jaw hit the floor. She looked gorgeous…

 Gabi smiled shyly at him as she hugged her arms to her chest self-consciously. He quickly crossed the room and took her into his arms to get a better look at her. "You look so beautiful, Gabi…my God, you look gorgeous."

 "I'm glad you think so." She whispered as he led her to the bed. The complete adoration in his eyes amazed her. Regaining a bit of confidence, she tugged at the sleeve of his jacket. "You know, one of us seems a little overdressed…" His eyes widened at her saucy comment, as did his grin.

 "You know…I think you're right." He said as she grabbed onto his hand and led him to the bed.

[ In the original version of this chapter, there was a lot of hot probably R rated sex here, but I had to edit it, lest it be yanked from the message board. So, you'll have to just use your imagination as to what went on in the next few chapters] :-P


Antonio watched Gabi as she slept next to him. He loved watching her like this, completely open and vulnerable. She was such a special person, but she had had such a difficult life. He planned on making all of that change for as long as she wanted him around, forever if he could have it his way. Sighing softly in her sleep, Gabi rested her head on his chest and he kissed the top of her head gently, overcome with love. When they had slept together the first time, it had been a regretful union, a way of expressing love that they couldn't show and emotions that they had had to hide. A way of saying goodbye. This time had been just the opposite. Tonight as they came together, they were welcoming each other back into their hearts, opening the door to a new and wonderful future that they were both anticipating. One that they would have together…just like it was meant to be.


"I can’t believe I let you talk me into this…" Gabi muttered as she gazed out the window of the car they were driving in. It had been almost five months since he had found her, and they had loved every minute of being together. Gabi turned to face Antonio; "I can't do this! I'm sorry, Antonio, drop me off and I'll call a cab to take me back to the apartment, but I can't go back there with you."

 "Hey, Gabi, calm down. It's okay. If you really want to back out on me, you can. No pressure…I'll just really miss having my beautiful fiancé by my side when I go home." He said to her, somehow managing to simultaneously watch the road and her softening expression.

 "I just don't think I can see them, Antonio…Carmen, Maria, Meg, Vanessa…they all know what we did now…they all know how we hurt him." Gabi said quietly. Antonio could tell she was on the verge of tears. He reached over and rubbed her arm.

 "They also know what kind of person you are, and that we did not hurt my brother on purpose. And they know that we love each other…we're going to be married Gabi. What more proof do they need?" Antonio pointed out and Gabi subconsciously looked down at the gorgeous engagement ring on her finger. Two weeks ago he had proposed on a very romantic weekend trip to the cabin that they frequently visited. They had both fallen in love with it after the first romantic trip there Antonio had taken her on.

 "I hope you're right, Antonio." She leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek, taking in the spicy familiar scent of him. He leaned back against the seat and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

 "So you're coming with me? I mean, I'd hate to have to lock you up in the trunk." He joked, relieved. He didn't know if he had the strength to face his family for the first time since he left without her.

 "I don't think it'll come to that. Not yet anyway! We haven't even left LA yet."


 "Gabi, don't say it." Antonio warned. "I can see that look on your face and it's a little late to back out now." He said as they pulled into the driveway of Carmen's shop.

 "I'll wait in the car?" She feebly offered and he shook his head, taking her hand and kissing it.

 "Nope. Sorry, but you're coming with me if I have to pick you up myself and sling you over my shoulder." He grinned and she was put at ease a little by his comforting presence.

 They got out of the car and actually made it to the door before Gabi stiffened again. Sensing her arising panic, Antonio wrapped an arm around her waist and held her tightly. "Come on, Gabi. Be strong for me, I know you can. I need you with me now. This is hard for me, too."

 Immediately Gabi felt ashamed for making such a big deal about her nervousness. It was Antonio who had a right to worry not her. It was his family that they were about to face. Leaning up, Gabi kissed him softly. "I'm sorry. I'll be strong…for you." The kiss began to turn into something stronger when Antonio suddenly tensed noticeably. "What…?"

 Then she turned around and saw. It was Ricardo. He had been outside the house, watching them with a deadpan expression. Antonio glanced at Gabi for reassurance then opened his mouth, about to speak to his brother when Carmen opened the door. "M'ijo! Mi Antonio, por favor, what are you doing out here? Come in! Maria, your brother, your friends, they are waiting to see you!"
 "Uh…Mama-" Antonio tried to say, but Carmen had already turned and walked off. "My God…I can't believe she did this." Antonio complained as they walked inside, hand in hand. It looked like a party…it was a party. The room was crowded with people. It looked like everyone in Sunset Beach had been invited.

 "She just wanted to give you a good welcome, Antonio. You've been gone half a year," Gabi reminded.

 "Antonio!" Maria exclaimed as she reached up to hug her little brother. "Oh, it's so good to see you! Everyone has missed you so much…hi, Gabi."

"Hello, Maria." Gabi said quietly to her soon to be once again sister in law.

''Maria… What's Ricardo doing here?" Antonio whispered furiously. "No one told me that he was out yet."

"Mama…she thought it would be a good idea to surprise you. She thought you would be excited. He is your brother, Antonio." Maria said, looking like she was disappointed in Antonio. "Aren't you glad he's better? Antonio, he wants to set things right with you."

"Of course I'm glad he's better…but Maria, I came here to announce to everyone that Gabi and I are getting married." Antonio reached over and took Gabi's hand again. "How can I do that with Ricardo here?"

"You two are getting…married? Antonio…I'm…" Maria stumbled for a proper reaction. "I'm happy for you. Both of you."

"Thanks Maria…" Antonio said, glad to have at least one member of his family's approval. "But what about-" Antonio started to say when Gabi put her hand on his arm. "What is it, sweetie?"

"I'm going to go outside…you and Maria catch up." Gabi said then was gone before Antonio could stop her. A frown flickered across his face.

Gabi was out the door as soon as she could be. She wasn't having fun, to say the least. Inside she could feel the stares from everyone, wondering what she was doing back, what she was doing with Antonio. And seeing Ricardo had really set her on edge. She couldn't believe that Antonio hadn't told her he would be here…then again, judging from his reaction he might not have known either.

She made her way into the back yard, a small spot of grass that looked directly across at the ocean. Twisting her engagement ring between her fingers, she sat down on a bench and silently wished that Antonio would come find her. She wanted him to reassure her…to help her be strong.

A few moments later, she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. Relieved that he had come to her, Gabi said, "Antonio."

"No…it's not Antonio." She immediately stiffened when she heard her ex-husband's voice. "Don’t worry, I won't bite. I just want to…talk."

"Talk?" She repeated in a timid voice.

"Yeah…ya know, we used to do it." He said with a small smile. He could tell that Gabi was uneasy being alone with him, and he didn't blame her. He wouldn't want to be with him if he were in her place either.

"Used to. Before you…" Gabi said, then stopped. She felt a little funny, saying the words that had popped into her mind.

"It's okay, you can say it. Before I 'went crazy'." He supplied. "Look, Gabi…I just wanted to say- Hey…is that an engagement ring?" He looked over at the ring on her finger, which she was still fumbling with nervously.

"Yeah, it is. Antonio proposed a couple of weeks ago." Gabi said with a shy smile. Ricardo a flash of jealousy, but quickly pushed it away. Gabi and Antonio deserved happiness – together. It had taken him a while, but eventually he had realized that.

"That's a pretty impressive stone, but T never did go for the cheap stuff. Might explain why he wanted you." Ricardo offered her a charming grin and Gabi blushed bashfully. He had to resist the urge to say something more, but he didn't want to give Antonio any competition, not that Ricardo would have really stood a chance now.

"Gabi, are you back- Ricardo." Antonio said, walking out the door and feeling immediate jealousy at the sight of his fiancé and his brother talking, laughing together.

"Hey, T…I was waiting for you. Knew you couldn't be away from Gab for long. Not that I blame you…" He said as Antonio took a seat next to Gabi, while Ricardo sat down in a chair across from them. "Gab just told me you two are getting married."

"Yeah, we are," Antonio said, still a little cautious of Ricardo's friendliness.

"Congratulations. To both of you…really, I'm happy for you." Ricardo said, then took a deep breath and steeled himself for the next words that left his mouth. "I want to apologize to you two, Gabi especially. I made your life a living hell throughout our marriage, and you didn't deserve that. I tried to ruin you both…and I'm sorry for that. I hope that you can eventually find it in your hearts to forgive me."

He finished his heartfelt apology and waiting anxiously for Gabi and Antonio's reactions. After sharing an intimate gaze with his fiancé, Antonio spoke first. "Ricardo…I know it won't be easy, but I'd like to be friends again…I'd like to forgive you."

"So would I Ricardo. I know you're relationship with Antonio is what's important, but I'd like to have a friendship with you, too."

"Oh…Gabi, T…Gab, I don't know what to say. Thank you, thank you. I won't let you down. I've changed…I'll show you both." Ricardo said with a deliriously happy grin as he jumped up and hugged his brother, then pulled Gabi into a tight embrace. "So…I guess this means I'll be your best man?" Ricardo asked.

"Wouldn't dream of having anyone else." Antonio answered with a relieved expression. He was glad that he seemed to be getting his big brother – the one that he had loved, the one that he had looked up to – back.

"That's good…look, I'll give you two some time alone." Ricardo said, still painfully aware of the ache in his heart for the woman that his brother now had. But he had had lost his chance with her, and he knew that.  No amount of carefully planned revenge could tear Antonio and Gabi apart. Ricardo had no choice but to except and respect that.

"Okay." Antonio said, and Ricardo walked back towards the house. When his brother was out of range, Antonio turned to Gabi, who had a smile of sincere happiness on her face. "Gabi…I…I'm so…"

"I know, Antonio." Gabi said, leaning up to kiss him. "I know you've missed your brother, and I know how happy you must be to have a chance to be friends with him again."

"I am…you know, I really am a lucky man." Antonio said, picking Gabi up and twirling her around as she squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I have the most beautiful woman in the world engaged to me, and I have my family back! I couldn't ask for anything more."

Neither could I, Gabi thought to herself as she sank into his arms. Now that Antonio wouldn't be so worried about his relationship with his brother, they could finally start to plan their wedding!


 "Miss Gabriella Martinez, do you take this man, Antonio Torres, to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do you part?" The tall, regal priest said in a deep baritone as Antonio and Gabi stood before him on a bright, sunny day in mid June.

 "I do." Gabi said softly as she looked into the eyes of her future. The warm, brown eyes that held her destiny and her happiness.

 "And Mr. Antonio Torres, do you take this woman, Gabriella Martinez, to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do you part?" He repeated, turning to the proud groom who flashed his bride a smile and said confidently, "I do."

 Antonio turned with happiness glowing in his eyes to Ricardo, who smiled widely to mask his aching heart and handed the rings over.

Antonio was very glad that he had his big brother standing next to him, giving them his blessing, while he pledged his love to Gabi. For a long time, he had thought that would never be possible.

Ricardo watched with mixed emotions while Antonio and Gabi completed the union of love and commitment that they had begun so long ago. He knew now that neither of them had really meant for it to happen, just like neither of them had been given the option of stopping it. It didn't make his feelings for her or the pain lessen, but it did give him comfort to know that at least they were happy together.

 "Then may I now pronounce you man and wife. Antonio, you may kiss your bride." Father O'Brian announced to the small audience of friends and family that had been invited to the affair. Antonio, eyes glowing with happiness swept Gabi into his arms and kissed with passion and love. They remained in an embrace until they were interrupted by a wolf call from someone that sounded suspiciously like Casey Mitchum.

 Antonio led Gabi down the aisle and they were shown off with a parade of happy voices and calls of good luck and congratulations. They were on their way to the Deep for the reception – then off to their honeymoon. Once they were in the car, a chauffeured limo that had been provided by Ben, Antonio wrapped his arm around his blushing bride. "Do you know how beautiful you look, Gabi?" He asked, nuzzling her cheek softly.

 "Antonio…" Gabi protested, meaning that he was embarrassing her.

 "Well, you are beautiful. That dress is so gorgeous on you…" Antonio admired, gazing down at the full white satin gown that made Gabi's tanned skin glow and her raven hair seem so thick and glossy as it formed a halo around her face. His eyes trailed down her face to where the intricately designed front   dipped down. He grinned at her suggestively. "But I know you'll be even more gorgeous with what you have on under that."

 A fiery blush lit her cheeks "Antonio! Come on, we have to get through the reception before you whisk me away to Hawaii." She said and a proud grin crossed Antonio's face. He knew that Gabi wanted to go there, and he was glad he was able to take her.

 "Sorry…have I told you today how much I love you?" He asked, still holding her close.

 "Well…other than that wedding thing, I don't think you have." Gabi said, dying to hear the words again.

 "Well, Mrs. Gabriella Torres, I love you more than life itself, and I will spend forever showing you that." He pressed his palm into her neck and tilted her face up towards his, delivering a feathery soft kiss on her lips.

 "Oh Antonio…I love you, too…so much. I can't believe that we're married. A year ago, I never thought that this magnificent dream could even come true…and now it is." Gabi's eyes began to mist up as she kissed him back just as softly.

 "Mr. and Mrs. Torres? We've arrived at The Deep." The chauffeur announced and Antonio got out of the car, then walked around to assist Gabi out, who was a little giddy with happiness about having her new name used for the first time.

 Gabi and Antonio were having an amazing time at their wedding reception. After recovering from the shock of the town priest and his sister in law's wild love affair, people had gradually come to accept the idea that they were in love. The couple had even talked briefly about moving back to Sunset Beach, but no major decisions had been made.

 Gabi was smiling brilliantly as Antonio whirled her around on the dance floor, the skirt of her gown flaring around her ankles as she giggled. After a moment, the song turned from an upbeat number to a slow, soft tune. Gabi felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. Ricardo, looking very handsome in his tux, grinned shyly and asked "Can I break in, T? I mean, the best man is required to have a dance with the bride, right?"

 Antonio laughed and agreed, "Right. Just try not to steal her away for too long, Ricardo."

 Gabi slid into Ricardo's arms as he held onto her waist lightly. "You know, you two really seem happy together." He said, a little wistfully. He missed Gabi, missed being able to hold her and kiss her…

 "We are." She looked over at Antonio, who was dancing with Maria now. "I love him very much…"

 "I know you do." Ricardo stared down at her with a strange expression on his face. She really seemed to have changed, being alone with Antonio for so long. More radiant, more vibrant more…alive; she wasn't nearly as nervous as she had acted with him. Of course, he knew the reason for that. With Antonio, she didn't have to lie about whom she loved.

 "So, where's your date?" Gabi asked. She had been relieved to see that Ricardo had invited a very nice looking blonde to the wedding.

 "Oh, Lisa? I think Spence has stole her away from me." Ricardo said with a laugh as he gestured towards the table where Spencer and Lisa were deep in conversation.

 "That's too bad…" Gabi said, but grinned since it was obvious Ricardo wasn't taking it too badly. "Ricardo?"

 "Yeah?" He said, knowing that Gabi was about to say something serious.

 "Thank you."

 "Thanks for what? I'm the one that should be thanking you…you and T have really been forgiving. More than I could have been in your place…" Ricardo said regretfully.

 "Ricardo, don't…don't say that. You don't know that…Besides, after what we put you through, Antonio and I had no right to not forgive you." Gabi said, looking up at the man she had once cared for so deeply.

 "Well, I guess we're both in no position to say no to a truce, huh?" He said and Gabi smiled and nodded. The song came to an end and as if by magic, Antonio reappeared at Gabi's side.

 "Gabi…isn't it about time for us to get to the airport?" He said with a grin, eager to start their honeymoon. Gabi slid into his arms and rested her head on his strong chest.

 "No argument here." She said.

 "Well…you two have fun." Ricardo said, acutely aware of the awkward silence between the three that had once been such good friends. Their relationships would never be the same, and they all knew it.

 "We will, don’t worry about that." Antonio joked, then said to Gabi. "We should tell Mama and everyone goodbye, then catch that plane."

 "Right." Gabi agreed. Smiling softly at Ricardo, she allowed Antonio to lead her away, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist.

 Ricardo watched them walk away until they were lost in the crowd. The sense of loss he felt watching the love of his life and his brother walk away was almost unbearable, but he knew that the pain would be eased with the passage of time, and soon enough he would be able to start over, too.

 Antonio watched as Gabi stared out of the window of the plane, stared back at what they were leaving behind. Leaning over, he kissed her softly on the forehead and she looked over at him. Squeezing his hand, which was locking tightly over hers, she spoke softly, "I love you, Antonio…"

 Hearing those words again, no matter how many times he had heard them before, brought a feeling of contentment to him. "I know." He answered her. "I love you, too, Gabi."

 She knew that they were very lucky. Other couples, weaker couples, would not have made it. They wouldn’t have been able to withstand the tests that Antonio and Gabi had been put through…the tests that they had passed. They had something special between them…something untouchable. Nothing would ever tear them apart.

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